Membership Rules

  1. Full membership is open to:

a. Any individual who is a South African citizen engaged writing and/or is committed to the development and promotion of South African writing.

b. Any individual based in South Africa but is not a citizen who is engaged in or interested in writing and/or is committed to the development of writing and the promotion of South African and African literature.Full members who are South African citizens are entitled to stand and vote in elections for NSC members, attend and fully participate in NWASA meetings and events, receive preferential treatment for training and other services provided by the organisation.

3. Members join NWASA by:

a. Completing a form and returning the form to the NSC and by paying a once-off joining fee of R50 for students, free for the unemployed, and R100 for the employed, +R500.00 for associate members, and;

b) registering themselves to be active in the province where they are based and – during such registration – indicating any knowledge, skills, talents and capabilities they posses and may be able to contribute to NWASA.

5. Membership Duties:

A member shall be considered in good standing upon full payment of membership subscription fee as well as active participation in the organisation’s programmes. A person who is in arrears with his/her dues at the end of the financial year shall no longer be considered a bona fide member and shall be apprised to that effect by the NSC. Membership rights will be restored once the member has paid the outstanding fees.

8. NWASA is a voluntary association where members join at their own free will. Membership of NWASA shall be open to South African citizens or non-citizens living in South Africa. Membership is valid for a period of three years, unless a member resigns in writing form. 

2. Associate membership is open to:

organisations/bodies in South Africa and elsewhere interested in or engaged in the promotion of South African literature and is willing to make concrete or tangible contributions to NWASA. NWASA can also be an association member of a bigger organisation through official affiliation which shall be adopted, renewed and revoked only at the National Elective Congress (NECs).Associate members will not be entitled to stand for and vote in NWASA elections, but may participate in all NWASA events at the discretion of the NSC.

4. Membership Subscription:

Membership subscription fee shall be reviewed by the NEC. Payment for the first subscription fee shall be made at the inaugural NEC and afterwards way ahead of the subsequent NECs as per the directive of the NSC. 

6.Suspension/Termination of Membership:

Membership may be suspended or terminated by the NSC for reasons of bringing the organisation into disrepute by contravening the Constitution and its fundamental principles through, among others, abuse or misappropriation of financial resources/power, criminal activity, unethical leadership, and infringing the human rights of other members and the public. In such cases, the NSC will establish a mechanism to investigate and make recommendations regarding charges of misconduct against a member.